Good Citizenship Award

7 May 2023 - Detachment 1242 Boy Scout Liaison Officer, Jack Healy, presented our Good Citizenship award to Sea Scout Hannah Todd of Sea Scout Ship 19 in recognition of her having received the Boy Scouts of America Sea Scouts Quartermaster Award.  Assisting were Detachment Commandant Niall Mulkeen and Chaplain Tom Sullivan.

Hannah Todd awarded Good Citizenship Award

Scholarship Winner- Accomplishments

In 2018  the Detachment awarded its first PFC Bruce Larson  Detachment # 1242  Scholarship and the recipient was  Erin Wilkins who is the Daughter of Marine John Wilkins and his Wife Sharon Wilkins.  Erin at the time was a student at North Carolina State University – and she had aspirations of going on to Veterinary School  --- she has now completed her requirements at NC State  and is now a Certified Veterinarian.  Erin will receive her Masters Degree in May and will be starting her internship while she pursues her Doctorate of Animal Science. 


Congratulations to Erin Wilkins and also to Sharon and John Wilkins for their influence in this wonderful young lady’s life by encouraging her to pursue her dreams and her education


Thank You for the good news !!!!


Davidson Police Detective Vernon Siders Honored by Mental Health America


by Bill Giduz | Jan 23, 2020 

It’s not often that you meet someone who’s literally “larger than life.” But Davidson police detective Vernon Siders is one of them. This 11 year veteran of the Davidson police force was celebrated with unveiling of a large artistic mural on the eighth floor of the Mecklenburg County Courthouse.

The figures of Siders and two other models, titled “Mental Health Faces in Diversity,” is about 12 x 9 feet. It was commissioned by the Mental Health America (MHA) organization and created by local artist Edwin Gill with recycled, colored glass. It is intended to show how well-being is a human condition and not specific to certain cultures.

The mural emphasizes MHA’a steadfast efforts to show people contemplating suicide that there’s always another way to face their problems. Many people at the celebration were survivors of mental trauma, including Siders. In his remarks, Siders said he’s a living example of PTSD. As a New York City police officer he responded to the terror attacks on 9/11, and later as a Marine, he served combat tours in the Middle East in 2003 and 2005. The experiences left him mentally devastated, and he thought constantly about killing himself with his service weapon. “I wanted to die and didn’t know how to stop the pain,” he confessed.

He finally sought help in 2013 and enrolled in a Mental Health America suicide prevention program called “Question, Persuade and Refer” (QPR). Since that time, he has been fighting for his right to live, and sharing his experiences as an MHA “storyteller” and suicide prevention trainer. He regularly speaks before groups of fellow police officers, high school students, church congregations, legislators, senior citizens, military veterans, and others.

Siders said, “This mural is a reminder that even if the struggle continues, one is never alone in bearing life’s burdens.” MHA’s theme for the year ahead, “We see you,” emphasizes that fact.

The mural hangs prominently on an eighth floor wall of the County Courthouse. (Bill Giduz photo)

MHA associate director Andrea Towner said MHA has been operational in this area since 1933, in general efforts around advocacy, education, and suicide prevention. She said they deliver their message to about 2,000 people per year, “Vernon is a brave example of the success of QPR, of bringing the stigma to light,” she said.

Towner said locating the mural on the eighth floor with the MHA offices and family court chambers calls attention to the fact that suicide often strikes young people who are at vulnerable stages of life. Siders hopes that his portrait looking over them will give them hope for their struggles.


In Honor of PFC Bruce Larson

On this day, let us take a few moments to remember our namesake PFC Bruce Stanley Larson who was assigned to the G Company, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division operating in Quang Tri Province. PFC Bruce Larson was on point at the beginning of a fire fight – he was killed by a gun shot wound to the abdomen – 19 September 1968 !

PFC Bruce Larson was 20 years old and left behind his wife, Arlene and his daughter Dawn who was born in April 1968 !

Thank You for taking a moment to remember !!


3 Reasons to Join the League

  1. Friendship- Maintaining relationships throughout life is one way to ensure happiness. You are sure to have people of all backgrounds praying for you and being there for you every step of the way. Want someone to go grab a beer with? Want someone to help you out with a family event? Need someone to talk to? Call a member of the League and you are definitely going to have people on your side.

  2. Once a Marine always a Marine- Joining the Marine Corps is a decision you made either many years ago or recently. Why not be friends with fellow military members who have similar memories. Share war stories, or basic training stories with your fellow marines all while helping the community. What could be better?

  3. Community Relationships- Our mission is to benefit the community this means 100% of our proceeds go to charity. We donate to all kinds of organizations, we help kids go to college, and we help children have a Christmas with Toys for Tots. If you enjoy helping the community all while developing relationships then this League is for you!

Join the League today!

Marine Corps League Huntersville: COVID-19 Changes

We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has been life changing and has definitely altered scheduling for the most part. During this time the Marine Corps League of Huntersville has temporarily suspended all fundraising events until it is safe to hold events of large groups greater than 25 people. All Marine Corps League meeting are currently being held but socially distant and will members wearing masks. All members are required to wear a mask and join for the meetings being held in the same location of the American Legion Building . If you have any questions about the COVID-19 changes please email us at or call Commandant Gunter at 704-430-6803.

What is a Life Membership?

If any Marine is interested in purchasing a Life membership details are below:

 1.  Ages 35 or less   --$500 for a Lifetime Membership

2.  Age 36 - 50        ----$400

3.  Age 51 - 64        ----$300

4.  Age 65+             ----$200

If you have more questions about this membership please reach out to us at or call Commandant Gunter at 704-430-6803.


Pandemic Won't Stop Us!

Amidst the Pandemic we still needed to find officers for their newest elections. We elected all our officers for the upcoming year outdoors and held the ceremonies to have them inducted into those positions. Look at these pictures which will show you our outdoor ceremonies.

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Boy Scout Ceremony March 2020

Today our Marine Corps League Detachment participated in the Boy Scout Troop 19 Eagle Scout Court of Honor at the Huntersville Presbyterian Church recognizing the advancement to Eagle Scout of David Beckham.  The PFC Bruce Larson Detachment 1242 contingent, led by our Boy Scout Liaison Officer, Jack Healy, presented David with the Marine Corps League Good Citizenship Award and a monetary gift.  

Supporting Jack Healy at the ceremony were Marines Reuben Flax, Niall Mulkeen and Tom Sullivan and Associate Member, Hal Kimmer.

Photos: Eagle Scout David Beckham and our Detachments Reuben who had to leave for another engagement right after the formal ceremony.

Second photo is of David Beckham being presented the Eagle Medal by Troop 19 Scoutmaster, Larry Banks while other Eagle Scouts, in attendance, join in the pledge including our own Niall Mulkeen, an Eagle Scout.

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