Boy Scout Ceremony March 2020

Today our Marine Corps League Detachment participated in the Boy Scout Troop 19 Eagle Scout Court of Honor at the Huntersville Presbyterian Church recognizing the advancement to Eagle Scout of David Beckham.  The PFC Bruce Larson Detachment 1242 contingent, led by our Boy Scout Liaison Officer, Jack Healy, presented David with the Marine Corps League Good Citizenship Award and a monetary gift.  

Supporting Jack Healy at the ceremony were Marines Reuben Flax, Niall Mulkeen and Tom Sullivan and Associate Member, Hal Kimmer.

Photos: Eagle Scout David Beckham and our Detachments Reuben who had to leave for another engagement right after the formal ceremony.

Second photo is of David Beckham being presented the Eagle Medal by Troop 19 Scoutmaster, Larry Banks while other Eagle Scouts, in attendance, join in the pledge including our own Niall Mulkeen, an Eagle Scout.

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